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Reordering across multiple lists


By default, reorderable-repeat isolates every repeaters to avoid crosstalk. To allow reordering across multiple repeaters, use attribute reorderable-group="groupName" to mark those repeaters with same groupName.

Here we demo two lists in one group. But there is no limit on how many lists you can assign to same group.

Since we are moving item across two or more arrays, you need to make sure the view templates for every repeaters in the group can handle all model shapes.

Since v1.4.0, reorderable-group also supports dynamic value through a binding, such as reorderable-group.bind="group" or reorderable-group="${group}".

Too easy? Not yet, there is one big problem. Try move all numbers to letters array, once left side is empty, there is no way to move any item back!

What’s going on?


Different from most DnD libraries, reorderable-repeat doesn’t have concept of container, all DnD events are handled by those repeated views themselves. That’s why reorderable-repeat is so easy to use.

This simplification created a problem with empty array model. When array is empty, there is no child views to handle DnD events.

To cater the deficit, reorderable-group-for custom attribute is introduced to behave similar to a container.

It must be strictly used as:

<some-element reorderable-group-for.bind="arrayModel"> ... </some-element>

arrayModel is the same model you used in reorderable-repeat.for="item of arrayModel".

Usually, you use reorderable-group-for on some parent element of the repeater. It behaves like an extra DnD target for that repeater. It also effectively enlarge the responsive area.

Now even empty array have some DOM to receive DnD events.

It’s not required to use reorderable-group-for on parent element of the repeater. You can use on any DOM element, it will find the corresponding repeater automatically.

reorderable-group-for is named after <label for="field">. You can think it behaves like a label (reorderable-group-for) to an input (reorderable-repeater with group). label can be parent element of input or sibling element of input, when you click the label (hover the reorderable-group-for), it behaves like you clicked the input (hover child views of reorderable-repeater).

Callback after reordering

The optional attribute reorderable-after-reordering provides little more information to the callback.

When using the string form with method name, that method will receive 2 arguments: 1) the array model that has been reordered, 2) the change {item, fromIndex, toIndexm, removedFromThisList, insertedToThisList }.

When moving an item across 2 lists, both source list and target list can receive a after reordering callback. The callback on source list will see removedFromThisList: true, the callback on target list will see insertedToThisList: true.

The example above shows the usage of reorderable-after-reordering in multiple lists mode.

That concludes all features of bcx-aurelia-reorderable-repeat.