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Turn off preview, use dndHover

Turn off preview

The first thing you can do is to turn off preview. Simply pass option {noPreview: true} to this.dndService.addSource(this, {noPreview: true}).

Use dndHover for real-time feedback

Preview has its limitation, it is a static snapshot of source element at the time of starting DnD session. That means the preview would never change during a DnD session.

Instead of using preview, we can turn preview off, and use optional dndHover(location) callback on target delegate for real-time feedback.

To demonstrate the purpose, we put a real-time clock on every boxes. You can see it keeps updating the clock during a DnD session.

What happened in above code:

For the source delegate (box), we turned off preview, removed show.bind="!draggingMe".

You can bring draggingMe back, then use it to control the style of dragging box, for instance to adjust background-color or box-shadow when dragging.

For the target delegate (container),

  • in html template, instead of repeat on original items list, we repeat on patched items list, which is the original items patched by intention.
  • we capture user intention in dndHover(location) callback. Beware, don’t mutate the real items list yet. We use temporary property intention to save this information.
  • we apply the intention in dndDrop(location) callback, as app user intended.
  • we reset temporary property intention before and after a DnD session by subscribing events 'dnd:willStart' and 'dnd:didEnd' and 'dnd:didCancel'.

When you use dndHover to constantly patch original list, depending on how complex the patch is, aurelia repeater might not be able to reuse existing child component, it might destroy old child components and create new components. That will trigger multiple add/remove Source/Target through attached() and detached() callback. DndService is totally fine with dynamical changing of sources and targets.

Published events through Aurelia Event Aggregator

During a DnD session, DndService publishes four events you can subscribe to.

  • dnd:willStart, just before starting of DnD session, all isProcessing, model, isHovering … are still undefined.
  • dnd:didStart, just after starting of DnD session, all isProcessing, model, isHovering … have been set. But none of any targets received dndHover() / dndDrop() callback.
  • dnd:willEnd, just before end of a DnD session, all isProcessing, model, isHovering … are still set. Just before a target (if there is valid one with canDrop:true under the mouse) receives dndDrop() callback.
  • dnd:didEnd, after a DnD session finished. all isProcessing, model, … are set to undefined. Final dndDrop() callback has been fired if there is a valid target.
  • dnd:didCancel after a DnD session is cancelled by ESC key. all isProcessing, model, … are set to undefined. No dndDrop() callback will be called. None of dnd:willEnd and dnd:didEnd events will be fired.

You can use them to prepare or clean-up the environment for a DnD session.

You can subscribe to those events in any component even without a reference of dndService instance.

In the example code above, instead of applying intention in dndDrop() callback, you can make empty dndDrop() {/* no-op */}, then apply intention in 'dnd:didEnd' event subscriber before reset intention. The difference is this alternative solution can respond to drop outside of the target element (outside drop would not trigger dndDrop()), it can use last known intention when user released mouse button outside of the target element.

Let’s move on to customise preview, optional source handler.