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bcx-aurelia-reorderable-repeat basics

In the html template, simply use reorderable-repeat.for in the place of normal repeat.for. That’s it!

Customise item style under drag

If you have not read get-started for bcx-aurelia-dnd, we recommend you to read it through. If you have not, here are some key information:

  • when you drag a item, the “image” floating with you mouse is called preview, it’s a DOM element (bcx-aurelia-dnd cloned from the source element) lives outside of Aurelia’s control.

  • bcx-aurelia-reorderable-repeat hides the algorithm showing in example reorder-list.

  • the original source element (which you started dragging) is still there. bcx-aurelia-reorderable-repeat just added a css class reorderable-repeat-dragging-me to the element.

The style defined in class reorderable-repeat-dragging-me is just hiding the source element without affecting layout.

.reorderable-repeat-dragging-me {
  visibility: hidden;

To customise the DOM under drag, you can overwrite .reorderable-repeat-dragging-me in your style sheet, or use .reorderable-repeat-dragging-me.your-class to localize the customisation.

When customising, remember to unset the visibility first visibility: visible; /* or inherit; */.

Here is a style customised version of previous example.

Note in customisation, you need to unset visibility first.

While the item being dragged receives class .reorderable-repeat-dragging-me, all items involved in reordering receive additional class .reorderable-repeat-reordering. Be default, .reorderable-repeat-reordering has no impact on style.

Use handler to limit where user can start drag

bcx-aurelia-dnd supports optional handler option on source delegate to limit where drag can start. In bcx-aurelia-reorderable-repeat, you can pass optional attribute reorderable-dnd-handler-selector on the repeated DOM to select a handler for undernearth source elements.

reorderable-dnd-handler-selector is used on every source elements with element.querySelector(...) to find out the handler.

Customise Preview

bcx-aurelia-reorderable-repeat does not hide bcx-aurelia-dnd’s limitation on drawing preview.

To understand this topic, please go through full bcx-aurelia-dnd get-started.

There are two situations you want to use customised preview.

  1. when the built-in preview drawer doesn’t draw preview to your expectation, either due to css limitation or DOM hierarchy limitation.
  2. when you want a totally different preview, for instance, customise “cursor” during DnD session.

To draw a customised preview, use optional attribute reorderable-dnd-preview. The attribute supports 2 forms:

  • reorderable-dnd-preview="methodName" the string passed in is a method name on your component. The method will receive the current item (model, not DOM) been dragged, it needs to return a DOM element (unattached to DOM tree) with reasonable size.

  •"methodInScope(smthInScope, smth2InScope)" the evaluated result of the function call must be a DOM element (unattached to DOM tree) with reasonable size.

Here we use reorderable-dnd-preview="drawPreview", you can also use"drawPreview(item)"

Callback after reordering

Use optional attribute reorderable-after-reordering to specify a callback. Like reorderable-dnd-preview, it supports 2 forms.

When using the string form with method name, that method will receive 2 arguments: 1) the array model that has been reordered, 2) the change {item, fromIndex, toIndex}. item is the model object that has been moved.

The change object also contains {removedFromThisList: true, insertedToThisList: true}. The two properties are designed for multiple lists mode, see next page for more details.

The example above shows the usage of reorderable-after-reordering, it prints the list in browser console after reordering.

Direction of DOM flow

By default, bcx-aurelia-reorderable-repeat thinks your DOM list flows from top to bottom.

If your DOM list flows rather from left to right (or from right to left), you can pass attribute reorderable-direction="right" (for flow from left to right) or reorderable-direction="left" (for flow from right to left).

The default value of “reorderable-direction” is “down”, means flow from top to bottom.

We support reorderable-direction="up" (for flow from bottom to top). You can achieve this unusual layout with flex-direction: column-reverse;.

Even in layout with flex-wrap: wrap;, reorderable-repeat still works fine.

Let’s move on to reordering across multiple lists.