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DnD Source

Influenced by react-dnd, we have concept of:

  • DnD source, a DOM element that you can drag, plus associated logic.
  • DnD target, a DOM element that you can drop onto, plus associated logic.

Since the source and target are bound to DOM element, you need to register and deregister them in the right Aurelia life-cycle callbacks.

The common practice is to do addSource, addTarget in attached(), and do removeSource, removeTarget in detached().

Let’s implement our first example “move box” step by step.

There is a container of three boxes inside. To implement moving box, we register every box as a source (we want to drag), and register the container as the target (receives a drop).

Implement source

The box component.

export class Box {
  // ...
  attached() {

  detached() {

dndService.addSource(delegate, options) takes two arguments.

  • most of the time delegate object is the current Aurelia component (this).
  • options is optional, they alter default behaviour. We will explore options in next few pages.

The first thing that a source delegate needs to provide, is a reference to the DOM element we want to drag.

By default, DndService get DOM element from delegate.dndElement. The easiest way to set that reference is to use ref="dndElement" in your view template.

  <require from="./box.css"></require>


When you use ref="dndElement" in view template, Aurelia (not DndService) creates a property dndElement in your component pointing to the DOM element, you can access this.dndElement inside your component code.

Note, removeSource() and removeTarget() can be called with either delegate object or element object. So in here, this.dndService.removeSource(this.dndElement) works same as this.dndService.removeSource(this).

Now DOM is hooked up, source delegate needs to provide dndModel() callback, it should return a model which describes the meaning of the drag.

When DndService detected user started a drag, it asks (only once) the source delegate dndModel() callback to return a model.

export class Box {
  dndModel() {
    return {
      type: 'moveItem',
      item: this.item

DndService has zero requirement on the shape of the model. Even if you return undefined, DndService would not complain, although there is no practical usage of returning undefined.

You should make your own convention of the model shape. A common practice is to provide a type in the model, which you can easily check against in other parts of your app.

Here is what we got so far, movable boxes

There is no effect on drop, because we have not registered any DnD target yet.

Let’s move on to understand DnD Preview.