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Nested rule

var rule = {
  name: ['mandatory', {validate: /^[A-Z]/, message: 'must start with capital letter'}],
  age: ['notMandatory', {validate: 'number', min: 16}]

validation.validate({name: '', age: 18}, rule);
// => { name: [ 'must not be empty' ] }

validation.validate({name: 'bob'}, rule);
// => { name: [ 'must start with capital letter' ] }

validation.validate({name: 'Bob', age: 12}, rule);
// => { age: [ 'must be at least 16' ] }

validation.validate({name: 'bob', age: 12}, rule);
// => { name: [ 'must start with capital letter' ], age: [ 'must be at least 16' ] }

As expected, the result is nested too.

Since a nested rule is considered a rule, you can put it in a chain.

validation.validate({name: 'bob', age: 12}, [rule]);
// => { name: [ 'must start with capital letter' ], age: [ 'must be at least 16' ] }

Chain multiple nested rule together, bcx-validation takes care of merging result

validation.validate({name: '', age: 12}, [
    name: ['mandatory'] // {name: 'mandatory'} without array wrapper works too
    name: ['mandatory', {validate: /^[A-Z]/, message: 'must start with capital letter'}],
    age: ['notMandatory', {validate: 'number', min: 16}]
// => { name: [ 'must not be empty' ], age: [ 'must be at least 16' ] }

Note bcx-validation avoided the duplication of error message “must not be empty” on property “name”.

The chain of nested rule looks odd. But imaging in your app, you have validation rules contributed by two or more sub-systems, instead of merging validation rule together, you can just stack them as a chain, bcx-validation will make sure the result is perfectly merged without any duplication.

Let’s move on to transformer rule.